Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I started working part time at Starbucks. It is a pretty fun job. Though it can take a lot out of you. What I really love is the culture of making people happy. Like today I greeted a customer and asked how she was doing and responded that I didn't really want to know. So I told her it seemed like she was having a bad day and needed a free sample of something. She thought I was joking but I had here pick a pastry out and gave her a sample. Then I gave some free samples to other people and it really cheered every one up to get even a little something free. So it is kind of a cool job. You would think that a big corporation like Starbucks would frown on that but the encourage us to sample things for the customers and give legendary service.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

give her a whole bag of pastries and a couple of bags of coffee....that is the legendary service i was giving